Organisms at the edge of life

The above phrase was taken from the wikipedia web page about viruses. My present interest in viruses stems from news reports about growing health concerns surrounding sick people in China. First a little probing about the readers state of knowledge.

Wuhan in China has been compared to Chicago and to Budapest (for different reasons). What are the bases for the comparisons?

Wuhan is a portmanteau. Originally describing a large trunk which splits into two halves, the language meaning involves the blending of two words sounds and meanings such as breakfast/lunch blended to brunch. Wuhan is a portmanteau of several cities (Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang) just like Budapest is a combination of the towns Buda and Pest in Hungary. Wuhan today is considered the political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural and educational center of central China. Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan is sometimes referred to as "the Chicago of China" by foreign sources.

The infection is described as a corona virus. Which of the following are also corona virus infections:
HPV (human papillomavirus), herpes (herpes simplex), HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), influenza (the flu).

HPV (DNA virus), herpes (DNA virus), HIV (retrovirus, RNA virus with DNA intermediary), SARS (corona virus, with 80% genetic similarity to current infection often called the Wuhan corona virus. Both positive sense ssRNA virus), influenza (negative sense ssRNA virus).

So the answers is SARS, but what was SARS again? Infection starting in Southern (not central) China, 18 years ago, Nov. 2002. Affecting a little over 8000 people with overall mortality rate of around 10%. No reported SARS cases since 2004. Only universal symptom was fever but other symptoms were “flu-like” (muscle pain. lethargy and sore throat), respiratory (shortness of breath) and diarrhea. Human to human spread via exposure of mucous membranes to respiratory droplets. No specific treatment, control methods of wearing masks, washing hands and isolation of affected individuals. SARS outbreak linked to animal vector and traced to markets selling live animals, Wunan outbreak looked at similarly. Currently no effective vaccines.

Summary: this epidemic appears to be a rerun of a China classic we called SARS, this appears to be SARS part II. From the standpoint of Americans, an immediate health risk seems small, but the problem appears to be recurrent and in need of scientific study and the major issues will involve global transportation and trade.

Secondary discussion immunization. Just remember that antibiotics treat bacterial infections not viral infections. Some viral infections do have chemical treatment strategies like the antivirals for the flu (not effective for corona viruses). the following have been approved in the United States:

oseltamivir phosphate (available as a generic version or under the trade name Tamiflu®),
zanamivir (trade name Relenza®)
peramivir (trade name Rapivab®), and.
baloxavir marboxil (trade name Xofluza®)

The CDC website can be contacted for a more complete discussion about the risk/benefits of these treatments,

I am not a Virologist (expert in infectious diseases involving viruses), but the benefit of reducing the symptom duration by 24 hours and the cost of 10 pills of the generic oseltamivir being around $100 (typical dosing one pill twice a day for 5 days), prevents widespread appeal. I feel Rx should be reserved for those at increased risk for health complications. A better approach to protect those at risk is immunization. The problem with a “me” centered approach is that for the individual who is otherwise healthy, the risks may outweigh the personal benefit. The scientific truth behind the merits of immunization are not for the healthy individual but rather for those at risk. I accept that a specific immunization may not have a direct benefit to my life (as opposed to my dog getting a rabies vaccine protecting her), but the benefit to the group is clear (herd immunity). A parent who does not immunize their children can put the whole school at risk. Does getting a flu-shot guarantee health, no. But when health benefits are clear and an immunization is considered mandatory and not optional, just get the shot and stop your complaining. The DTaP vaccine is required in all 50 states (also MMR and polio), the HepB vaccine is required in all states except Alabama and South Dakota (i sort of understand Alabama, but thought South Dakota to be smarter). Only three states (plus D.C.) mandate HPV vaccination despite clear benefits. Currently HPV is estimated to cause around 35,000 new cases of cancer each year. Effective vaccination is predicted to prevent 32,000 of them. HPV vaccination is cancer prevention. Not only do I applaud the State of Michigan’s progressive approach to cannabis, but encourage legislation about HPV. Science is science, once you embrace the method we can all get along.

Bottom line: the current events in China are unlikely to impact my current life. Viruses are a long term problem. A scientific approach to vaccines can benefit us all. Vaccines like cannabis or cholesterol are not simply good or bad. Knowledge is power, talk to your health professional.


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